<<**Elsewhere&Otherwise V**>> 13-22 July 2018 @ Performing Arts Forum
Submitted by Valentina Desideri on Wed, 2019-03-20 17:38
Tools for Visceral Sensibilities
*>>all bodies welcome<<*
Once a year we live together. For its 5th edition ELSEWHERE & OTHERWISE wants to continue to host and nourish the ongoing study and collective sharing around the erotic, poetry, rituals, healing art and activism, that has been growing over the years.
In the past years several conversations and practices raised questions on ways of dealing with trauma and overwhelm. This year we would like to foreground a collective study, questioning and exploration of those complex notions, in their personal as well as systemic dimensions.
Polyvagal Theory questions the parameters that we use to define safety in educational, religious, political and medical institutions. Instead of a structural model of external states, it understands safety as a capacity for visceral sensibility. In this frame, our autonomous physiological states - our deepest feelings and literally our guts - constantly mediate our relationship to ourselves and others. Whenever we feel unsafe, the subtleties of that sensibility becomes less available to us, and the damaging effects of this disconnection are omnipresent, although not evenly distributed across society. Can we develop a readership of our viscera? Is it possible to develop a visceral sensibility to the state of another or others? What are the tools at our disposal? And what are the political implications and speculations that this definition opens up?
These and other questions will be discussed, felt and meditated upon during a daily general meeting with introductions of participants that have experiences and practices to share in these fields.
This year we will circulate and study Polyvagal Theory, TRE (Trauma and Tension Release Exercises), fascia work, lovework and other methods of non-sexual intimacy, brainspotting and blind-spotting, deep listening practices, a fisting workshop, plant intelligence, different philosophical and critical perspectives on xenophobia and violence, plus anything else you might want to add for sharing or experimenting with.
As there will not be any invited speaker and no fees will be paid, we are happy to announce that we can keep the price to the basic costs for stay, food and membership.
PAF costs 18€ per person per night (20€ if less than 5 nights) plus a 12€ membership fee valid for one year. Food will be organized with cooking together scores to keep the costs as low as possible (ca 10€ pp/pd).
If you are able to apply for a grant we are happy to help with invitation letters. Also we would appreciate it very much if you could apply for more than needed for your single participation (according to the kind of application you are able to submit) so to help others in different financial conditions to also participate (suggested: 350 €).
If parents with children would like to attend the meeting we will try to make it possible by organizing some form of collective care, perhaps gathering money to organise activities for them. Please let us know ahead of time as that requires organisation.
The meeting will take place in PAF - PERFORMING ARTS FORUM where everybody will be hosted. Given the nature of the event we only accept participants who can commit to the entire meeting this year.
To reserve your place please email: contactpaf@gmail.com